“In a nutshell, the main difference between IELTS and PTE Academic is that Pte is truly a computer-based exam which assessed by the AI machine whereas the IELTS Paper-based and Computer Delivered tests Reading, Listening are automated.”
Now let’s compare these popular English exams on these criteria.
IELTS vs PTE Score Comparison.
Result time.
IELTS Scores are calculated between 0-9 bands, while the PTE Academic scores are calculated between 10-90 using Global Scale of English.
IELTS vs PTE Test fee :
The test fee of IELTS in India is Rs.14700/- and the PTE Academic fee is Rs.13700/- both prices are inclusive of applicable taxes if any.
IELTS vs PTE Exam Duration:
IELTS Duration : 170 minutes Max.
Writing: 60mins + Reading 60mins + Listening 30-36 mins+ Speaking 11-14 mins.
PTE Academic: 2 Hours
Speaking ~20 minutes + Writing 30-40mins + Reading 29-30mins + Listening 30-43 mins.
IELTS vs PTE Marking / Assessment.
IELTS writing and speaking are marked by English experts, using global marking standards, while, reading and listening are auto-marked.
PTE Academic Speaking, Reading, Listening and Writing are marked using the automated scoring system which uses technologies like Artificial Intelligence and Machine learning.
To learn more about PTE Marking click here.
IELTS vs PTE Result time.
IELTS Paper-Based Result time is 13 days after finishing the exam, while IELTS Computer-delivered result time is 3-5 working days.
PTE Academic result time is within 5 working days while the majority of the test-takers get the result within 48 hours which is super-quick.
Joining an IELTS, PTE coaching institute without attending two classes can not lead to an informed decision. We understand your concerns, so giving away 2 classes for free.
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